Thai Beef Salad

Added by del
Tagsasian beef salad thai
Prep time30 minutes + marinate time
Cooking time10 minutes
Serves3 people as a main


1 red chilli
2 garlic cloves
corriander roots
1 tsp oil
1/2 tsp black pepper
1 tbsp lime juice
2 tbsp fish sauce
400+ g rump or sirloin steak
1 punnet cherry tomatoes
2 lebanese cucumbers
1/4 chinese cabbage
4 spring onions
corriander leaves
thai basil leaves
2 tbsp fish sauce
2 tbsp lime juice
1 tbsp soy sauce
2 tbsp brown sugar



  1. finely chop chilli, garlic and corriander roots and combine with oil, black pepper, lime juice and fish sauce to make marinade
  2. pour over steak, cover and refridgerate overnight (minimum of 1 hour)
  3. cook steak on high heat 4 minutes each side then set aside and cover
  4. chop tomatoes, cucumber and cabbage in a bowl
  5. finely slice spring onions - cook lightly in a pan and add to bowl
  6. slice beef and add to bowl
  7. cut fresh herbs roughly and sprinkle over beef
  8. combine fish sauce, lime juice, soy sauce and brown sugar and stir until sugar disolves
  9. pour over salad
  10. eat immediatly


once dressing is added the salad will start to get soggy so only add just before serving


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