Beef Stroganoff

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3 olive oil
600 g beef strips or diced
1 brown onion
300 g mushrooms
2 tbsp corn flour
1 cup beef stock
1/4 bunch fresh italian parsley
150 g greek yogurt or cream
1 clove garlic
freshly ground black pepper



  1. prepare all ingredients, finely slice onion and dice garlic and place in bowl, slice mushrooms and place in another bowl, chop parsley and place in third bowl
  2. brown beef on medium heat in 3 batches with 1 tbsp oil per batch in heavy based pan
  3. set beef aside, add onion and garlic to pan and cook until onion begins to go translucent
  4. add mushrooms to pan and return beef to pan and cook approx 5 minutes stirring frequently until mushrooms are soft
  5. add cornflour to pan and stir to coat beef mix
  6. add stock to pan, bring to the boil stirring continuously then add parsley and reduce to a simmer for 10 minutes
  7. season with pepper to taste
  8. turn off heat and just before serving stir through yoghurt


For a richer version use thickened cream instead of yoghurt.

Serve with steamed greens and sweet potato mash or pasta.


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